Outdoor Nudes near Nuremberg 4

5 years ago
Excuse me if this question has been asked before but does anyone know of a location near Nuremberg where I can take some outdoor art nude photos of a model with any problems from the police. To be specific, Id like to take some photos of a topless / nude model besides a rapsfeld.

Being from United States (where we are extremely uptight about such things) I'm not sure what is acceptable in Germany. I don't want to run into legal issue and, more importantly, I do not wish to offend anyone.
You can do anything except getting caught! ;)
5 years ago
Don´t worry, just make your pictures. If you choose a location which is a little bit discreet nobody will say a word.
[gone] User_496765
5 years ago
If you choose discreet location nobody will be there to know it.
Dont choose police office or station

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