- About me
- Shooting guidelines
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Herzlich willkommen auf meiner Sedcard und schön, dass Du zu mir gefunden hast,
Welcome. Great that you found my sedcard.
I discovered photography for myself many years ago, but did not pursue it too intensively at first. After a longer break I started again in the middle of 2006. Since then, however, the photography virus has infected me quite violently ...
I love to take pictures of people, because I find it very exciting to get to know other people and to create exciting pictures together with them. I especially like to take pictures on location (indoor and outdoor), but also in the studio and occasionally at events and almost always with flash. However, on my sedcard I can only show a very small part of my work.
Shootings I do in my spare time. Therefore, I do not want any stress there. I always have music with me, there is often something to eat and drink and the shooting should be fun in addition to great pictures as a result.
I have many own ideas for the photos, but I am also open to your good ideas. Basically, I am more conceptual for shootings. Often beautiful images are created on the basis of an initial idea, which is then developed / expanded together with the model. -
We both spend our time and ressources. You get most of the pictures from the shoot. I sort out technically bad pictures (very few) or pictures that are not in favour of you. I usually do not edit more than 5 pictures (there may be exceptions)
Send requestPayPay (user is willing to pay)
Please propose reasonable and realistic rates for your level of profession (please see pricing section too). You anyways get most of our pictures ;-).
Send request ...are my pictures.
How a shooting with me works and what my models and MUA say about it, you can find in my shooting reviews...
In the meantime I have worked with much more than 100 models and there have never been any complaints ;-)
I have participated in workshops with Stefan Gesell, Guido Karp, Sascha Hüttenhain, Uwe Johansson, Marcus Carlson, TSFineArt (Tom), the Brownz and many others.For me there is primarily the fun of photographing and beautiful results in the foreground.
Therefore I do Pay Shootings (i.e. I pay you) only in exceptional cases (top wardrobe, professional model, exceptional location available...).For me personally, the following basic rules apply:
- We make a contract for the shooting (MK standard contract), so that it is clear how we deal with the pictures afterwards
- We make a shooting agreement here in the MK, so that we can evaluate each other afterwards (my shooting evaluations are also a good source to check in advance if my way of working might suit you)
- Agreed shootings must be kept!!! My time and your time is precious and a shooting binds already a lot of time and ressources in the preparation and requires allocating the time slot which was completely waisted, if the shooting does not take place. The hamster that has died or the grandma who has passed away for the third time are not considered a reason for cancellation. If something really important comes up, which can happen, I expect a timely (!) cancellation, i.e. not only when I am already waiting for you at the agreed location with my equipment and the MUA.
- If you write to me: What are your ideas for the shooting (theme, ideas, location, sample images)? I have many ideas of my own, it is even nicer if you have an idea yourself. You have seen my pictures, what would suit you?
- 24hResponse Time
- 75,232Visitors
- YesTfP
- Residence
85375 Neufahrn bei Freising
- Accessible airportsMünchen
- Works withWomen & men
- Spoken languages
- Websitejuergenweis.myportfolio.com
Shooting categories
- Portrait
- Lifestyle
- Lingerie
- Nude
- Weddings
- Television
- Dance
- Promotion
- Fashion
- Swimwear
- Topless
- Fetish
- Bodypainting
- Theater
- Catwalk
Galleries 18

Was nicht mehr auf die Sedcard passte...

Weitere Bilder von On Location Shootings...

Bilder die On Location oder Outdoor entstanden sind

Studioaufnahmen (Kein Akt), auch älteren Datums

Akt oder Dessousaufnahmen, auch älteren Datums

Dokumentation Bildbearbeitung

Shootings mit M ariam Die Bilder sind grossenteils nahezu unbearbeitet (Minimal Schnitt, Helligkeit, Vignette).

Rotkäppchen Shooting mit Steffi am 26.01.2013 im winterlichen Wald bei -5 Grad

Shooting in der "Mandalay Bay" Suite des Räter Park Hotel in Heimstetten bei München. Danke für die Genehmigung. Vielen Dank an Nadia für ein ganz feines Shooting... Bis jetzt alle Bilder UNBEARBEITET. [...]
Photos 94

Still not seen enough? More photos are available in the galleries: Show